Matt McElwee
Hi! I'm Matt McElwee and this is my website.
This site is inspired heavily by, Andy Matuschak's notes site, and Maggie Appleton's site. It attempts to live by the ethos of digital gardening and learning in public. Overtime I hope it to become a garden of networked thought which helps to capture knowledge and become something of a second brain (or at least the public expression of it).
The bulk of this site is ideas, definitions, and projects that hope to grow up to become essays one day. If you are interested in how I've built this site and how to use it, you can. On the other hand, if you want to read an annotated bibliography of all the books I've read and hope to read, you can do that too.
Christian Education
- Notes and essays should clearly indicate their level of accuracy
- Notes and essays should clearly indicate their epistemic certainty
- Notes and essays should clearly indicate their level of completeness
- Notes and essays should clearly indicate their mental effort
- Notes and essays should clearly list pre-requisite knowledge
- Notes and essays should delineate its current type
- All writing should abide by the values
Theology: Sacraments
- Full-Time Ministers of the Gospel Should Not Tithe
- On Commerce And Sabbath
- Christians in Severe Debt Should Not Tithe